Pichiglas Rilke lamp


Pichiglas Studio

Role Web Design/Dev
Mar 2017
Logo by — Flatmate Studio

After more than 7 years working together with Alfonso de la Fuente, head designer of Pichiglas Studio, doing the most incredible Interior and Fashion design projects, what's best before parting ways than giving him a new home for his amazing works and lamps to be shown to the world. This was my way to say thank you, give something back to that long dusty road.

Pichiglas Studio

Role Web Design/Dev
Mar 2017
Logo by — Flatmate Studio

After more than 7 years working together with Alfonso de la Fuente, head designer of Pichiglas Studio, doing the most incredible Interior and Fashion design projects, what's best before parting ways than giving him a new home for his amazing works and lamps to be shown to the world. This was my way to say thank you, give something back to that long dusty road.

Pichiglas studio landing page

Pichiglas project page

Pichiglas full page

Pichiglas home iPhone x

Pichiglas Lamps on IPhone X


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